The world of mass media and technology has given modern society instant access to whatever it wants. Blogging has become the shinny, new, trendy, way for people to share their opinions and at times make a buck of off their thoughts. Blogging however can also help others understand an individual, the use of blogs can display a level of thought or sophistication that can give credibility. This being my first blog I hope to use this as a platform to give out my thoughts on many different aspects of the world, especially from the perspective of a sport administrator.
11/2/2012 04:56:04 am

I agree 100%. I feel like blogging is the new trendy way to get your 15 minutes of fame. Can it be good and educational, yes. However, it seems much less reliable than a text book or resarch article. I do think that with the world becoming more technological we will continue to see more, but I hope that our society will continue to see it for what it is, thoughts and opinions.

11/3/2012 09:19:45 am

Great Blog page, I agree although it's a scary notion to believe I think the transition from paper and text book to internet and computers is going to be the future. It seems that everywhere you look things are being converted to technology savvy. I mean we are completing our Masters Online. It has worked for me.


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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2012

